FPO World provides expertise in support of effective Public Finance Management (PFM).
Our clients are Development Partners, Ministries of Finance, Line Ministries, Municipalities, Parliaments and Supreme Audit Institutions in transition, developing and post-conflict countries worldwide.
We provide services ranging from evaluation, assessment, strategy consulting, technical assistance and training.
We cover all phases of the budget cycle.
Effective reform starts with adequate diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses.
FPO World has wide experience in designing reform plans based on applying diagnostic tools such as the Public Expenditure and Accountability (PEFA) assessment and the Supreme Audit Institution Performance Measurement Framework (SAI-PMF).
View a selection of our projects in the domain of PFM assessment and reform strategy.
Effective oversight on the financial and policy performance of public institutions starts with the preparation of an annual budget that reflects the policy objectives of government and their budgetary implications side by side in a multi-annual framework.
FPO World has wide experience installing a medium term perspective (MTEF) and to integrate policy objectives in the budget documents (performance-based budgeting).
View a selection of our projects in strategic planning and budget preparation.
Management controls aim to give reasonable assurance that the public funds are being spent in line with the principles of sound financial management.
FPO World has wide experience in projects that strengthen the control on budget execution by management including the implementation of the Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) model.
View a selection of our projects in the domain of management control in budget execution.
Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) audit the operations of government and report to Parliaments. It is crucial that SAIs can carry out their audits in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Standards (ISSAIs).
FPO World has wide experience in strengthening the capacity of SAIs and to support the implementation of the ISSAIs.
View a selection of our projects in public external audit.
Representing the citizens, parliaments exercise oversight by approving the draft budget and scrutinizing the government’s financial statements.
FPO World has wide experience in strengthening Parliament and their support staff in exercising their mandate throughout the budget process.
View a selection of our projects in the domain of parliamentary oversight.