Johannes (Joop) Vrolijk

Mr. Vrolijk has a solid background in public audit combining post-graduate degrees in External Auditing (CPA) and in Governmental Auditing and more than 20 years management experience in the Netherlands Court of Audit. In the last 12 years, Mr. Vrolijk was an OECD/SIGMA advisor in the public finance management programme in which he advised EU candidate and Neighbourhood countries including a number of CIS countries on their PFM reform efforts.
Mr.Vrolijk has extensive experience in building capacity of Supreme Audit Institutions. Based on his experience as deputy director in the Netherlands Court of Audit he has been engaged in numerous international projects to review and build SAI capacity. He carried out peer assistance reviews of the SAI’s of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina (twice), Croatia. He assisted the SAI of Albania and Armenia in drafting and implementing Strategic Development Plans. Further, during his SIGMA working period he was an active member of the European Court of Auditors SAI Network, implemented the IDI tool for assessing compliance with ISSAI (ICAT) in the Albanian SAI but was also involved in OECD activities such as the assessment of the Anti-Corruption Network (ACN) in the former CIS countries and the Senior Budget Official Network for East, South and Central European countries. In addition, on behalf of the Netherlands Court of Audit he was a member of the INTOSAI working group for Internal Control and the project manager of a bilateral support project with the Indonesian SAI. For the Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian and Georgian SAIs he delivered trainings in INTOSAI Standards.

Mr. Vrolijk has a strong experience working in former CIS countries. He worked for more than 6 years in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine implementing projects on PFM reform strategy, Public Internal Financial Control and Financial Inspection.

Mr. Vrolijk is energetic and results-driven. He has 28 years of management experience, excellent communication and writing skills. He has excellent relations with the Presidents or Chairmen of SAIs he worked with, by whom he is well-respected. This respect can be illustrated by the ‘Honour of Gratitude of Republic of Albania’, awarded to him by the President of the Republic of Albania for his support to the Albanian SAI.

View here the projects implemented by Johannes Vrolijk.