Martin Sinclair
Mr. Sinclair has extensive knowledge of developing and implementing accounting and auditing standards in the public sector environment covering financial, compliance and performance audit. He has 23 years of experience as an audit partner in the UK National Audit Office. In the period 2010-2015, he was Deputy Auditor General and oversaw the quality of the NAO audits. In addition, he was responsible for the international programme of the NAO providing support to transition countries.
He has more than 15 years experience of leading international development programmes and projects for Supreme Audit Institutions in Europe, Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean working with a range of leading donors including DFID, World Bank and the European Union.
Martin Sinclair is familiar with INTOSAI Development Initiative and their ISSAI support programmes including SAI PMF as he represented the UK National Audit Office on the IDI Board for several years until 2015.